Thursday, July 05, 2007

Update on Dennis Gibson's Health

Scans taken last week show no growth of my cancer. No shrinkage either. So my condition is officially "stable." I was therefore able to receive treatment today with CCI-779. This is week #2 of Cycle #7, out of twelve, four-week cycles. My blood counts are improved. Platelets holding at 80,000. My energy level is very satisfying to me. My mental alertness is good. I would be content to live many more decades on this current schedule. But when the clinical trial is over, it will be up to me to work hard to persuade the drug company and the government and my insurance company to allow me to continue treatment with this drug that is not yet approved. "Compassionate use" is the term for this kind of exception, when someone else continues to pay for a not-yet-approved treatment, known to work for me, but beyond my means to afford. If I cannot succeed in that and my cancer starts growing, say next year at this time, I will return to actively searching for another form of treatment showing promise. One I've heard of is a transplant in Seattle. Another would be PR-171 in New York or North Carolina. It reminds me of a soldier home after three tours of duty in Iraq, now told that the Army is sending him there again. But I am God's and He may do with me as He pleases, and I am ardent to be pleasing to Him in how cheerfully and diligently I carry out His assignments.

Dennis L. Gibson, Ph.D.


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