Texas Children's Hospital
Walking back from M D Anderson Cancer Center to my hotel at sunset, I passed through one of the happiest spots I have ever found on Earth. It was an outdoor place between sleekly designed buildings. It is well-lighted and carefully landscaped. In some dense trees a couple hundred birds gather at sunset each evening to sing and chirp to each other and to their admiring human audiences. The whole atmosphere is filled with light and happiness and harmony. Tears came to my eyes as I looked up past the tree with the most birds in it, to the lighted sign on the building beyond it, which read "Texas Children's Hospital."
What a splendid place for life and light and harmony and vitality and happiness to meet -- at the Children's Hospital!
And Jesus said, "Allow the little ones to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
There is within the medical complex in Houston, Texas, a three-quarter acre spot where you can sample an hors d'oeuvre of heaven. Arrive a little before sunset.
What a splendid place for life and light and harmony and vitality and happiness to meet -- at the Children's Hospital!
And Jesus said, "Allow the little ones to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
There is within the medical complex in Houston, Texas, a three-quarter acre spot where you can sample an hors d'oeuvre of heaven. Arrive a little before sunset.
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