Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Ten Years and Counting

Ten years ago today I first heard the chilling words, "You have cancer." That prostate cancer remains undetectable. So does the mantle cell lymphoma for which I was treated almost three years ago. I have built up my energy and my resistance to respiratory infections, so that I am in good shape to fight off a recurrence.

I take the view that probably neither of these cancers has been totally eliminated from my body. But, the good medical treatments I have had have reduced the population of cancer cells to a level low enough that healthy habits can keep them under control. The information I study about nutritional supplements, like green tea extract, curcumin and resveratrol, leads me to view them as mild chemotherapies. They function by interfering with signals that cancer cells send to each other, like "Let's get together and recruit some blood vessels to feed us, so we can become a big, invincible tumor."

One central challenge to us from the Bible is to bring good out of evil. I am doing that with my cancer experiences by extending my professional services as a psychologist into cancer coaching by phone. You can let people know about my website Thank you for praying for me. God be with you!


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